Anthony Roland Golez, an Ilonggo (my guess is he is from Silay, Negros Occidental because Golezes are from there usually) medical doctor delivered a baby on board a KLM plane from Amsterdam enroute to Manila (read more here). Curiously, the plane had to land (of all places!) in strife-torn Kazhakstan which recently has been in the papers. The baby, a boy, was delivered premature but otherwise healthy. See photo below (courtesy of Visayan Daily Star).

And so it seems that the May 2007 elections will push thru with the Supreme Court junking Lambino's petition. Some of the elected politicians I talked to who are pro-Cha Cha have this common reaction: SAYANG!! For a more comprehensive discussion on the issue, please visit Manolo Quezon's blog. But if you want it straight from the horses' mouth so to speak, I suggest you read the full text of the Supreme Court decision which is not only very enlightening but surprisingly also easy to digest and I dare say entertaining to read. Whoever penned that decision (and I mean the junior legal staff at SC who researched and actually wrote it) should be congratulated - the decision is lawyering at its finest. Makes me think of taking up law too.
dr. Golez is not ilonggo. He is from manila. He underwent rotation in bacolod during his post graduate interniship. He is the nephew of Cong. Rolio Golez. FYI
Thanks for the info
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